Accounting Firm Merge, IRBA Firm Merge, Accounting Practice Merger, Merge My Accounting Practice, Merge With Accounting Practice, Merger Opportunity Accounting Firm
Merger Accounting Practice In Cape Town
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Business For Sale


Accounting Firm MergerCape Town southern suburbs is a smaller firm with R1.5m fees. They are looking for a merging opportunity with a local partner. They are happy to do an Upstream or Sideways merger.

They operate in the Accounting space and not IRBA. As a single practitioner, they are looking for a home where they have a bit more critical mass and all the pressure is not on a single partner.

They have fees in the R1.5m per annum range currently and have one partners:

They have a few requirements, and they are:

  • They would like to merge their accounting firm, with someone, Upstream to consolidate their position in the Accounting space.
  • Cape Town Southern suburbs is their preference
  • Accounting, non-IRBA services is their core.
  • As a second preference, they will also consider a sideways merger with a firm the same size as them.

If this is something that can work for you? 

Contact us today if you are interested


Accounting Firm Merge, IRBA Firm Merge, Accounting Practice Merger, Merge My Accounting Practice, Merge With Accounting Practice, Merger Opportunity Accounting Firm

Reference - M200602 


Accounting, non-IRBA services is their core.

Accounting, non-IRBA services is their core.
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