Accounting Firm Merge, IRBA Firm Merge, Accounting Practice Merger, Merge My Accounting Practice, Merge With Accounting Practice, Merger Opportunity Accounting Firm
Merger Accounting Practice In Cape Town
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Business For Sale


Accounting Firm MergerThis group has clients in Cape Town. They have fees over R28m, but the accounting side is about R7m off that. They would like to merge with a Cape Town firm, and the owner will become their local champion. This will enable them to drive more business and value-added services into the area with you as the marketing and growth strategic partner.

This is, therefore, to expand, get new skills and clients and address local growth. They are looking for a merging opportunity with a local partner.

They operate in the Accounting space and also IRBA space


They have a few requirements, and they are:

  • They would like to merge their firm, with someone, Downstream to address the skills and local presence requirement.
  • Cape Town location in any area will be considered
  • They have the need for a local partner that is also able to grow with marketing and networking their services and value add services.

If this is something that can work for you? 

Contact us today if you are interested


Accounting Firm Merge, IRBA Firm Merge, Accounting Practice Merger, Merge My Accounting Practice, Merge With Accounting Practice, Merger Opportunity Accounting Firm

Reference - M200701 


Accounting, non-IRBA services is their core.

Accounting, non-IRBA services is their core.
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